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E adesso?

sono sempre stato fan di saab,oltre che della volvo...basta pensare che ho convinto un amico mio a comprarsi una 9-3 al posto di una serie3....grandi auto e linee che a me personalmente piacevano....consideravo la 9-3 come miglior berlina media del mercato....e consideravo la nuova 9-3cc la piu bella con la C70 del suo segmento...preferivo una saab ad una bmw o mercedes o audi...signora auto....dispiace da morire...pensavo si concludesse meglio :cry:
matteomatte1 ha scritto:
ALEX8383 ha scritto:
La cosa peggiore è che il valore dell'usato a breve crollerà in modo verticale con grande danno dei possessori di tali auto....

danno relativo se l'auto te la tieni fino alla rottamazione...
vero....anche perchè saab non danno particolari problemi di affidabilità come tanti altri marchi
...però i motori diesel sono Fiat, quindi non metterei la mano sul fuoco per l'affidabilità di certe componenti...cmq è un vero schifo come sta andando il mondo...più che preoccuparmi del valore dell'auto, che cmq continuerà a fare il suo dovere, mi preoccuperei per tutte quelle persone che,perdendo il lavoro, un auto non la potranno nemmeno comprare...e se gli va bene...
volvoc30t5 ha scritto:
sono sempre stato fan di saab,oltre che della volvo...basta pensare che ho convinto un amico mio a comprarsi una 9-3 al posto di una serie3....grandi auto e linee che a me personalmente piacevano....consideravo la 9-3 come miglior berlina media del mercato....e consideravo la nuova 9-3cc la piu bella con la C70 del suo segmento...preferivo una saab ad una bmw o mercedes o audi...signora auto....dispiace da morire...pensavo si concludesse meglio :cry:
fossi il tuo amico ora ti ammazzerei scherzo ehehehehehe :D mi dispiace davvero molto perchè il fascino delle Saab era davvero innegabile quando è uscita la 9-3 sport sedan mi ricordo che era bella da mozzare il fiato piaceva davvero a tutti un progetto eccezionale, la cabrio ha una classe invidiabile, il suv 9-4x sarebbe stato grandioso, la nuova 9-5 era bellissima nonostante la derivazione Insignia, purtroppo la politica avara di Gm e la corsa all'oro che hanno fatto le case americane in Europa di marchi eterni si è rivelata un indigestione di mancanza di soldi, politica economica davvero merdosa (passatemi il termine) incapacità di conoscenze dei gusti europei ma soprattutto delle filosofie di ogni marchio comprato vedasi Jaguar e Land Rover sotto l'egidia Ford che disastro... per cui Saab doveva restare Europea al 100% e fare auto sportive e tecnologiche invece si è ritrovata a fare auto banalmente ricarrozzate giusto ora che si intravedeva un impegno maggiore si chiude...spero nei capitali cinesi ma in un'autonomia svedese non so se ho reso l'idea e comunque io che sono lungimirante vedo la stessa fine per Lancia ragazzi miei...
volvoc30t5 ha scritto:
matteomatte1 ha scritto:
ALEX8383 ha scritto:
La cosa peggiore è che il valore dell'usato a breve crollerà in modo verticale con grande danno dei possessori di tali auto....

danno relativo se l'auto te la tieni fino alla rottamazione...
vero....anche perchè saab non danno particolari problemi di affidabilità come tanti altri marchi

Questi miracoli di affidabilità, abbia pazienza, ma propio non li vedo, montando meccaniche Fiat, telai Opel, l'affidabilità è quella , ne più ne meno,Saab ,come è avvenuto anche con Volvo, hanno perso personalità ed esclusività da quando sono state assorbite da GM e Ford,ed anche per Volvo sarà dura stare nel mercato.
Con un prodotto che negli ultimi anni è diventato di scarsa affidabilità, non c'era da aspettarsi un futuro troppo lungo.
Io sulla 93 del 2006 ho avuto diversi problemi (strumentazione, alternatore, volano e frizione, ammortizzatori molto rumorosi già a 70.000 km). Oggi a 100.000 km nessuno mi da 4 soldi per la permuta, nemmeno alla stessa SAAB.
Per noi, in Italia, si aggiunge l'aggravante di un'assistenza in molti casi davvero scadente.
Sicuramente dispiace questa fine, ma non posso negare che con l'acquisto di questa vettura ho preso una grossa fregatura.
80984545 ha scritto:
Con un prodotto che negli ultimi anni è diventato di scarsa affidabilità, non c'era da aspettarsi un futuro troppo lungo.
Io sulla 93 del 2006 ho avuto diversi problemi (strumentazione, alternatore, volano e frizione, ammortizzatori molto rumorosi già a 70.000 km). Oggi a 100.000 km nessuno mi da 4 soldi per la permuta, nemmeno alla stessa SAAB.
Per noi, in Italia, si aggiunge l'aggravante di un'assistenza in molti casi davvero scadente.
Sicuramente dispiace questa fine, ma non posso negare che con l'acquisto di questa vettura ho preso una grossa fregatura.

io sono alla 3° saab, tutti di ultima generazioni. Perfette

Dopo l'annuncio della chiusura della Saab dato nei giorni scorsi, General Motors ha dichiarato di aver ricevuto diverse manifestazioni d'interesse per l'azienda svedese (nella foto, la 9-5 dell'ultima generazione presentata a settembre al Salone di Francoforte), compresa una nuova proposta da parte della Spyker, con la quale le trattative erano fallite.

In particolare Spyker ha presentato una nuova offerta, articolata in undici punti, rispetto alla quale il presidente Victor Muller si è dichiarato molto fiducioso. Alle spalle dell'operazione Spyker (un piccolo costruttore olandese che lo scorso anno ha venduto solo 43 vetture) ci sarebbe il sostegno di gruppi finanziari e bancari russi.

così la notizia su Automotive News:

GM says it's mulling new Saab inquiries; Spyker is still in frame

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) -- General Motors Co. said it would evaluate several expressions of interest for Saab, including a new fast-track bid from Spyker Cars.

Spyker said on Sunday it had submitted a new offer for Saab including an 11-point proposal addressing issues that arose during a due diligence process for Spyker's earlier offer for the money-losing Swedish brand that GM wants off its hands.

Spyker's renewed approach came just two days after last-ditch talks over a rescue for Saab collapsed. "We're very confident we have put forward a proposal that can convince GM in time," Spyker CEO Victor Muller told Reuters. "The jury's still out. We will see what happens next."

GM said on Friday it would wind down Saab ? but on Sunday the company said that since the announcement it had received inquiries from several parties. "We will evaluate each inquiry. We will not comment further until these evaluations have been completed," GM said in a statement.

Spyker 'can meet deadline'

Spyker said its new offer eliminates the need for a European Investment Bank (EIB) loan approval prior to year end, which would allow the deal to be concluded within GM's Dec. 31 deadline for Saab to be sold or shuttered.

Muller said the financing for the Saab offer was in place, but did not reveal any further details.

"Our efforts are based on our passion for saving an iconic brand that we would be honored to shepherd, and the jobs and livelihoods of thousands of loyal Saab employees, suppliers and dealers around the world," Muller said.

Spyker, a small Dutch maker of sports cars, said its renewed offer is valid until 17:00 EST (22:00 GMT) on Monday, Dec. 21.

"We have made every effort to resolve the issues that were preventing the conclusion of this matter and we have asked GM and all other involved parties to seriously consider this offer," Muller said.

Russian backer

The primary backers of Spyker, which last year sold 43 cars at prices of at least 200,000 euros ($287,800), include Russian banking tycoon Vladimir Antonov and his Convers Group, which has a stake of almost 30 percent in the firm.

Jeroen Willard, an analyst at Dutch brokerage AEK, has said that for Spyker, which has struggled for years, to finance the deal it would likely issue shares to its Russian backers.

Spyker said Saab would provide Spyker with a global distribution network, production facilities and solid engineering, sourcing and R&D while Saab would receive financial backing to compete as a global brand.

GM had previously entered talks with Spyker after a deal with Swedish luxury car builder Koenigsegg collapsed last month. GM had set an original deadline of Dec. 31 to seal a deal.

Abandoning 60-year-old Saab would eliminate 3,400 jobs in Sweden and drop 1,100 Saab dealers.

v-tec ha scritto:
[... incapacità di conoscenze dei gusti europei ma soprattutto delle filosofie di ogni marchio comprato vedasi Jaguar e Land Rover sotto l'egidia Ford che disastro...
Passi per Jaguar (che era morta ai tempi di BL), ma Land Rover dalla gestione Ford ha tratto soltanto benefici, in materia di stile, rinnovamento gamma, e sviluppo e progettazione.
La situazione secondo Automotive News:

Potential bidders circle Saab as deadline looms
January 7, 2010 09:31 CET

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- Bidders in Sweden, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are making last-ditch efforts today to buy Saab as a deadline for its sale loomed, threatening the Swedish car brand with closure.

After twice seeing deals to sell Saab fall apart in recent months, General Motors Co. CEO Ed Whitacre indicated ahead of today's 22:00 GMT (5 p.m. EST) deadline that GM was proceeding with the winding down of Saab as planned because no buyer had proved it could finance a purchase.

Swedish parties interested in Saab have emerged at the last minute, a Swedish source familiar with the matter said.

"I know that Swedish parties are involved," he said, adding that a meeting of Saab board members would take place on Friday, instead of on Thursday, as originally planned.

4 last-minute bids

Earlier, a Swedish daily reported that two anonymous Swedish groups are likely to enter last-minute bids proposing management buy-outs of Saab.

Separately Dutch luxury carmaker Spyker said it was preparing an improved bid. Asked whether Spyker would bid by the deadline, CEO Victor Muller said: "definitely."

Swedish union newsletter Dagens Arbete reported that Luxembourg-based investment firm Genii Capital made a bid for Saab and has met with the Swedish government to let them know of its plans.

Dagens Arbete quoted a source close to Genii as saying "Genii Capital is in good financial health and has strong partners."

Genii Capital is a private investment firm active on the North American, European and Asian markets. The company specializes in investment in innovations within the fields of brand management, technology, entertainment and the auto industry.

The Dagens Industri business newspaper quoted Joran Hagglund, Sweden's state secretary for industry, as saying the Swedish bids are likely to meet today's deadline, though neither group had been able to show it had the financial backing necessary for a purchase.

"We have had contacts with several different groups since the 18th of December, among them three from Sweden," Hagglund told the paper. "I should think that at least two of them will submit bids to General Motors during Thursday."

"The problem is that none of them can show that they have financing in place," he said, adding that Koenigsegg, which retracted its bid late last year, was not one of the groups.

Whitacre doubts sale possible

GM's Whitacre said on Wednesday he is not hopeful a breakthrough deal can be reached to save Saab and GM is proceeding with the wind-down of the Swedish brand.

Whitacre said none of the potential bidders for Saab have come forward with the financing needed to restructure the money-losing automaker.

?It's real easy,? he said. ?Just show up with the money and you can have it, and nobody's showing up with the money.?

Spyker has already revised its offer for the ailing Swedish carmaker several times to address GM's concerns about the source of its financing for the deal.

With hours to go before GM's offer expires, analysts said bidders would be looking first and foremost to secure Saab for the value of its brand, as key engineering technology would mostly remain under the ownership of General Motors.

"The actual equity in the brand is probably well beyond the value of market share of the company," said Michael Tyndall, an auto analyst at Nomura International. "The technology belongs predominantly to GM."

Tyndall saw little chance of a reversal on GM's decision to start winding down Saab. "The idea of there being an 11th hour white knight seems far fetched to me," he said.

Abu Dhabi firm could back Spyker bid

Spyker's Muller said last month if his offer were to succeed Saab and Spyker would operate as sister companies.

Spyker would benefit from Saab's technical resources and its distribution network, while Spyker would bring entrepreneurial skills to Saab.

"The synergies are very, very clear," Muller said.

Also, the acquisition could meet the ambitions of Abu Dhabi's Mubadala Development Company, which owns about 23 percent of Spyker shares, according to a January 2008 filing with Dutch market regulator AFM, and wants to create an advanced technology industry centre in Abu Dhabi.

At the same time Russia is keen to obtain Western technology to re-energise its local car industry.

Russian state-controlled Sberbank and Canada's Magna International Inc. tried to buy a stake in GM's Opel unit until GM decided to keep it last year.

Russia's Vladimir Antonov holds almost 30 percent in Spyker Cars, according a recent AFM filing and has been Spyker's chairman since April 2008.

Analysts, however, remain cynical about how Spyker, which has never made a profit, is going to finance the offer.

Sweden's IF Metall union said in a statement there was "every chance" of a positive outcome for Saab and it expected a solid bid to materialize during the course of the day.

GM's attempts to boost Saab failed

Saab, which has made cars in Trollhattan, southwest Sweden, since 1949, employs 3,400 people, while thousands more jobs at the company's dealers and suppliers depend on its business.

GM bought 50 percent of the Saab car operations in 1989 for about $700 million. It paid $125 million and assumed debt for the remainder of the unit in 2000.

The Swedish luxury brand, which is best known for its 9-5 and 9-3 sedans, has consistently lost money over the past two decades. Saab has said it lost about $340 million in 2008.

Efforts to use GM platforms to engineer recent Saab models failed to win back buyers and an ad campaign to sell the brand as "Born from Jets" fizzled.

Saab sold 93,295 vehicles globally in 2008, representing 1.1 percent of total GM sales volume, down 25 percent from 2007.

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