<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1500520490268011&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Mercedes C 300 e review.. | Il Forum di Quattroruote

Mercedes C 300 e review..

Troppa elettronica rovina le auto ....:emoji_head_bandage::emoji_sob:

Se qualcuno vuole tradurre il testo in italiano..., forse c'è qualche problema .., io naturalmente mi astengo dal giudicare...


Floor the accelerator and the electric motor has enough gumption to provide useful cover while the 2.0-litre engine wakes up and the transmission shifts down. Yes, there's still a pause, so you might want to give it a hint what you're about to do by nudging the minus paddle.

Slowing down is more of an issue. I'm no engineer but I reckon this is because it tries so hard to regenerate while simultaneously changing down through the 9-speed transmission. (It's easier for pure EVs because they have just one gear.) You feel it especially approaching say a roundabout from 70mph: you keep constant pressure on the Merc's pedal and the retardation varies disconcertingly. But the same issue undermines things every time you touch the pedal.

There's a bit of thump from the suspension, and tyre noise. These days, you wonder if Mercedes is putting all its effort into digitisation and letting slip what we call the fundamentals.

But it didn't because earlier, on a wide open A road at about 50mph it suddenly saw a phantom obstacle and briefly hit its brakes. Hard. There really was nothing there that I could see. Maybe it thought I was falling asleep or something. Anyway, glad the car behind wasn't following too close. Move along now, nothing to see..

Mercedes C 300 e review: transformative plug-in power? Reviews 2021 | Top Gear
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