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La Ferrari ti legge nel pensiero

Secondo Autocar, esistono brevetti di tecnologia Ferrari riguardanti sistemi di verifica dello stato metale e fisico del guidatore, che interverrebbero poi sulle tarature ESP e ASR...utilizzo di sensoristica biometrica e psicometrica...misura, tramite sensore piezoelettrico, del respiro, monitoraggio dell'attività celebrale, del battito delle palpebre, della temperatura della pelle, della conducibilità termica della pelle del guidatore, del battito del cuore e della pressione... :shock:


Ferrari plans mind reading tech

Friday, January 07, 2011

Ferrari is working on in-car technology that will monitor a driver?s mental and physical state and adjust the car?s stability and traction control systems to suit, Autocar can reveal.
The technology is outlined in a series of Europe-wide and global patent applications. The documents show how Ferrari expects a range of sensors to provide the cars of the future with data on the driver, allowing it to adjust its set-up accordingly.
Ferrari?s application states: ?Drivers tend to miscalculate ? in particular, overestimate ? their driving skill and, more importantly, their psychophysical condition, with the result that driver-selected dynamic vehicle performance simply reflects the driver?s wish, as opposed to the driver?s actual psychophysical condition and proficiency.?
Read more on the next Ferrari Enzo
The application describes a cabin housing ?various (preferably non-invasive) biometric and psychometric sensors for recording and transmitting? the values of a number of psychophysical parameters of the driver?.
It adds: ?The biometric sensors may comprise a piezoelectric measuring device for measuring the driver?s respiration, a device for measuring the driver?s blood pressure and heart rate, a television camera for monitoring the driver?s eyes (blink rate) to determine the driver?s alertness, a device for monitoring the electric activity of the driver?s brain, a device for recording the driver?s surface temperature and a device for recording the conductivity of the driver?s skin (to determine the degree of perspiration).?
A single line diagram with the application appears to indicate that sensors would be mounted in the cabin ceiling, dashboard, steering wheel and driver?s seat area. It also includes a manettino dial, indicating that Ferrari intends to continue offering the race-based driver control system.
The application is based on improving driver safety but could also be used to sharpen a car?s dynamics to better satisfy a more alert driver.
Ferrari says: ?The dynamic performance may be modified to enhance driving safety in the case of a tired or unresponsive driver, and also to enhance driving pleasure and/or performance in the case of an alert, responsive driver.?
Greg Kable

Che cazzate... :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :twisted:
Ecco alcuni dei brevetti...





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